Break the Mold.

Trust Your Taste.

(Get it?)

Discover what makes cheese (and you) weird and cool.

We’re fun, and do fun stuff

Classes + Events

Didn’t think you could pair cheese with English gardens, Broadway musicals, or book clubs? Guess again. (Wine, beer, honey, etc. are cool too, we love those).

The Trust Your Taste Workshop

The workshop that started it all. Dive into your sensory memories and learn to trust…your…self? What?? It’s true.

Books + Writings

We write for ourselves and others, and help you do the same. And snack on “writing cheese” the whole time. Yes, it’s a thing.

The Trust Your Taste Manifesto

We are all sensory storytellers.

People are like cheese.

We’re all made of the same stuff, but depending on where we’re from and how we’ve been cared for- we turn out wildly different.

It is those differences and nuance of flavor and experience that makes life interesting and meaningful.

Slowing down and spending time with food memories is time spent with our soul (it’s a little woo-woo but it’s true true).

If we aren’t tasting something different from another, it doesn’t mean either is “right” or “wrong”, we are just having a different experience.

There is no such thing as “good” or “bad” taste. There is only preference.

Whether it’s the perfect pairing, or a great conversation: the key is balance.

The stories we tell about food and the stories food tells us about ourselves contain more than we know.

Holding multiple truths at once is sexy.

Sensory memory is powerful, and has the ability to unlock and reveal hidden truths and fresh discoveries.

Curiosity is the key.

You are the expert of your own experience.

Good cheese and great conversation can change the world.

Gotta say, people like us: