Books & Writings


Coming Soon:

“I’ll Have What Cheese Having: Cheese Pairings Inspired by Romantic Comedies”

Anne-Marie’s upcoming book encapsulates the spirit behind Trust Your Taste.

This book blends cheese and storytelling in such a niche way it really makes you go

“wow- she spends way too much time thinking about this”


“how does anyone’s brain work like that?”


“okay, but can she really recite all of The First Wives Club?”

Yes…yes she can.

Brilliant prop work, art direction & styling by

Madison Trapkin

Concept, creative direction, & written by

Anne-Marie Pietersma

Stunning photography and photo editing by

Nick Surrette

Can you guess the movies for the photos below?

Trust Your Taste Newsletter

Trust Your Taste’s weekly newsletter brings Cheese + Storytelling to your inbox every Sunday.

Each week features a new cheese, a personal truth, an example of how food shows up in the stories we love, and some very silly surprises (you’ll see).

The Trust Your Taste Journal is Here!!!

Now you can have a piece of Trust Your Taste with you at home and on the go!

The ultimate keeper of sensory memories, the Trust Your Taste journal helps you capture your favorite experiences of food and beyond with it's proprietary DANCE method. It even includes a cheese log with lists and examples of descriptive words to help drop you into getting the expertise of your own experience out of your mind, and onto the page.

Tell your story, and Trust Your Taste.

Available in Downloadable PDF and 5x8 Hard Cover

Culture Magazine: How Cheese Unlocks Personal Myths and Memoirs

2024 Print & Web

A direct line to the heart of Trust Your Taste. This Rumination touches of the almost mystical and mesmerizing side of cheese

Culture Magazine: Creative Ways to Pair Flavored Cheese with Unexpected Snacks

2024 Print & Web

Madison Trapkin turns to Anne-Marie for suggestions on pairing flavored cheese

Culture Magazine: Taste Transformation

2020 Print & Web

Anne-Marie writes for Culture’s Ruminations section on how our taste changes throughout our lives and how cheese helped her broaden her sensory horizons

Culture Magazine: What’s Trending in the Cheese World

2023 Web News

Feature for the Trust Your Taste Newsletter among some incredible cheese friends
